From the President

Paul RHi Everyone!

As many of you will be aware, we recently held the 2020 AGM for the Papakura Theatre Company. It was very pleasing to be able to hold this meeting in person with so many people attending in light of the recent COVID-19 restrictions that had been in place. It was a very positive meeting with good feedback from those attending.

A new committee was elected with two committee members standing down and two new members taking on available positions. Emma Love and Stephanie Parker, were elected into the vacant positions. I believe this is another strong committee with diverse backgrounds and strengths that they will bring to the table for the betterment of the Theatre Club. My thanks to all those who have chosen to continue on the committee for another year. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Anthony Mitchell and Lizzy Mann who have chosen to stand down from the committee at this time, for their commitment and input during the time of their service and also for their commitment and obvious passion for Papakura Theatre Company.

I am very pleased to say that we have dates confirmed for the play The Vicar of Dibley as well as several other exciting one-off events this year. Barb will update you with further details later on in the newsletter.

Although it is fantastic to be able to get out and about with the lower alert levels, please continue to take care and stay safe to ensure we beat COVID-19 and can look forward to a fantastic year ahead for the Club.


Notes From The AGM – Thursday 28TH May

Great to see so many at Off Broadway after several weeks of having to be in our own bubbles!  There we were, all spaced out to meet the social distancing requirements, but so pleased to greet each other and be back in our “happy place” – our theatre!

President Paul Radden welcomed members to the meeting and gave his report.

Treasurer Marie von Keisenberg gave her financial report, which pleasingly showed that we made a profit on Legally Blonde and Dad’s Army.

The election of officers was then held and we are pleased to report that Paul Radden remains as our President for a further year, having been returned unopposed to the role.

Your new Exec (in alpha order) is as follows:

Barbara Hieatt  Dave Child
Cheryl Simpson  Emma Love
Joanna Whitworth  Louise Parker
Marie Parker  Marie von Keisenberg
Nic Andisen  Steph Parker


Anthony Mitchell and Lizzy Mann stepped down from the Exec this year and President Paul thanked them for the work they have done as part of the Exec team and welcomed new members Emma Love and Steph Parker.

The meeting voted unanimously to invite The Hon George and Mrs Jan Hawkins to continue as our Patrons.

Some of the points covered in General Business;

  • Our Constitution is now outdated and we need to revisit it – a special meeting will be called to discuss this.
  • Susan told the meeting about her Props clear-out and planned working bee to return everything upstairs
  • Meeting was told about the effect of COVID-19 on PTC – cancellation of shows and private hires, meaning loss of anticipated income.
  • Proposed change to the benefits of being a financial member. The Exec had decided that the system of giving 50% off of one ticket per year is not working properly in that some people are taking advantage of this and using the discount to purchase more than one ticket. It was put to the meeting that financial members be given 3 complimentary drinks per year – for family membership this would be extended to 5 drinks – and this was accepted and carried.

Bar Manager Dave Child then explained that to comply with the current licensing laws we all need to have our membership cards on us when we come to the bar to purchase drinks during any Club events.  The plan is to give all members a new membership card which will be punched by the bar staff whenever that member has one of their complimentary drinks. (Please note: These are currently being put together and everyone will receive theirs shortly – anyone coming to Club Night on Friday 19th June will receive theirs then.)

Dave also explained that we are now required to sign in any guests we bring into the Club when the bar is operating. The book will be on the bar and if you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to ask the bar staff. This is to comply with the licensing laws under our Club Licence and it is important to ensure we observe these two legal requirements a) have your membership card available and b) sign in your guests.  

And then there were Presentations!

First, Nic Andisen was presented with his certificate for gaining 2nd Place in the MTNZ Programme competition for his Dad’s Army programme. Congratulations and Well Done Nic!

Merv and JudyThen it was time to present Judy and Merv Stowers with their MTNZ Merit Awards for long service to Musical Theatre.

Congratulations to you both and thank you for all your hard work over the many years! We are so pleased we were able to finally present you with these well-earned Awards.

These Awards were presented at the MTNZ Annual AGM & Training weekend held in March under much reduced circumstances in Napier on the weekend before we locked down. The main event was of course cancelled and only the MTNZ Exec met, along with a few members of Napier Operatic but we were able to watch live on-line and so saw the announcements of the Awards.


Allan WyattAnd then came the presentation of a special Award of our own – Life Membership of Papakura Theatre Company. This Award is to recognise those who help to keep Papakura Theatre Company and Off Broadway Theatre viable and is recognition of longstanding and ongoing commitment to our Club.  It is for service above and beyond our individual shows – sort of being in the right place at the right time to lend a willing hand with whatever needs doing.

The Executive was pleased to put forward to the meeting that Life Membership be awarded to Allan Wyatt and the motion was carried by loud acclamation!

Allan joined PTC in 2008 to help build the set for our production of Les Misérables and has been with us ever since, designing and building some wonderful sets for our shows.

Thank you, Allan, for all you have contributed to our Club!

And now that we are back in the theatre, up first is………………………………


Everybody welcome!  The bar will be open and it will be good to catch up and have a good old chat! For those who haven’t been before, dinner (ie pizza and chips) is optional.  But it does save cooking and washing up!

And now it’s all got to go back upstairs!!

Working beeYes, Susan has pretty well got everything sorted now, just a few last things to label and box. There has been a lot thrown out and quite a bit put aside for our garage sale. We are now trying to take photos of various items and catalogue them and hopefully have a section set up on the PTC website for Props hire. Last year Props hire brought in $900 and this can possibly be built on to become a bigger earner for PTC.

So, now your help is needed please.

And coming back is….Lisa Lorrell and her Elevenses

A lovely way to spend a morning – guaranteed by Barb that you will enjoy this!  Booking is essential but contact details are not on this ad so let me know and I can book for you.  I think tickets are now $22 or $23 but Anne and Frank’s morning tea and Lisa’s music definitely worth it!


PTC’S GARAGE SALE – SATURDAY 18th July at Off Broadway

If you would like to book a table or two to sell your personal stuff at the garage sale, please contact Susan Andisen to book or for more details – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


COSTUME SHOWCASE EXTRAVAGANZA – Sunday afternoon 16th August at 2 pm

Led by Steph Parker, our wardrobe team are putting together a great exhibition of the wonderful costumes from our wardrobe modelled by our own club members, alongside a display of some of our props.

There will be fun, there will be music, there will be raffles, there will be tea and cake and the bar will be open.

More information about ticket sales will reach you shortly but please put the date in your diary for now and tell your friends! The more, the merrier!

BIG BAND WEEKEND – With the Off Broadway Big Band – 26th and 27th September

Time to put on the dancing shoes on as the fabulous Off Broadway Big Band give out with their fabulous sound!

Tickets will go on sale in early August.

And we understand that Troupes Vintage Market will be back in August – date to be confirmed – see next newsletter.



Sadly we have had to postpone our G & S until next year as there will not be sufficient time to rehearse, build a set and organise costumes and all that goes with getting a show in front of an audience before we have to start with preparations for The Vicar of Dibley, which goes on in November.

We are hoping that our cast will hang in there and come back to us next year but at the moment new dates have not been confirmed.


PTC was due to produce this play in July this year but the committee has, at this stage, decided to put it on hold.  However, we are definitely committed to it and keen to tackle it so it will happen eventually.

THE VICAR OF DIBLEY – 14th – 28th November

We are looking forward to having Bob Lack back as our Director for this hilarious comedy.  We are also really pleased to have Adey Ramsel adapting the scripts for our stage. 

Audition dates will be announced soon so watch our Facebook page for information. 


Your Exec is always looking at shows to fit into Off Broadway – if you have any suggestions you would like to put forward, please do.  It’s always good to have input from our members.  You could email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  with your ideas.


Good to know that Maureen Quinn has now moved into Longford Park Village after having her move was held up by the COVID-19 lockdown. All the best for village life, Maureen!

Congrats to Anthony Mitchell and Lizzy Mann who recently moved into their new home in Opaheke.  We wish you every happiness as you settle in and make it “yours”.

And to finish up, let’s wish a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Life Member Lorna Clauson on her 90th Birthday.  The invasion of the virus meant that Lorna’s Big Party that she had looked forward to for so long had to be cancelled but we hear that she had a great weekend celebrating with her family and they are now planning to celebrate Lorna’s birthday next year when hopefully our borders will have reopened and her friends and family from overseas will be able to attend!  Off Broadway is already booked!! Wonderful!

And if there is anything I’ve forgotten to include, well, my apologies for that.



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