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Games Afoot Social



William Gillette / Holmes: (M) Mid-Late 40’s.

A strikingly handsome man, smartly dressed, good humoured, full of irony and life. A sort of modern day Ulysses

Martha Gillette (William’s mother):

A smartly dressed, somewhat vague and dithering woman in her mid 70’s

Felix Geisel / Moriarty: (M) Early 40’s.

Histrionic in a Lionel Barrymore/Sir Toby Belch sort of way. Married to Madge.

Madge Geisel / Marian: (F) Early 40’s.

Flamboyant and wry in a Rosalind Russell smart-mouthed-gal-about- town sort of way. Married to Felix.

Simon Bright / Zerlinsky: (M) 25.

Sweet and enthusiastic. Innately affectionate and good natured. In a relationship with Aggie. (Plays ukulele.)

Aggie Wheeler / Alice: (F)

“a real product of her age” 25, beautiful, bright eyed and full of spunk. In a relationship with Simon. (Sings)

Inspector Goring: (F) Between 40-50.

British, eccentric and one of a kind. One minute she seems wry and clever, the next minute she’s off into a world of her own. She gets things wrong without knowing it, yet she also seems just the sort of person who can find you out when you’re lying. Formidable.

Daria Chase: (F)

Gorgeous, glamorous and dressed to the nines with holiday chic. She’s one of those people you can’t take your eyes off of; and despite all of her show-biz cattiness, you can’t help liking her - or at least admiring her. She has a sense of humour and has invented herself from the ground up.

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